Tiny Steps Petting Farm has now closed for winter

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.

We and the animals look forward to seeing you when we reopen next year.




Gift Vouchers

We are now selling monetary and experience Gift Vouchers at the farm

Buy your friend or family member any of the following:

£5 voucher   ~   £10 voucher   ~   Goat or Alpaca Trekking voucher

What Do Our Volunteers Say?

“Tiny Steps is a fantastic place, Dave and Tracey are incredible people who I feel proud to help in any way possible. I feel we need to encourage the future generations to love and look after animals, they are vital to us. Tiny Steps is a great place for those who also believe this. It is developing beautifully, and I love being involved. “

“My involvement with Tiny Steps added so many positive experiences last year. There is a great bunch of people working to a common purpose as a team. This farm gives so much, not only to the visitors who enjoy coming here, but also to all the volunteers.”

“I started volunteering at Tiny Steps in the winter after hearing what a special place it is and largely due to my love of donkeys. I have learnt so much from the other volunteers who care for the animals, they’re a great bunch to be with, and for me it has become a place of sanctuary. Tracey and Dave are full of kindness and are completely dedicated to the animals, it’s a privilege to be a part of the team of volunteers.”

“Being a mum of 5, and a housewife for 13 years, when Tiny Steps opened last year I went round to have a look and have been there since! Tracey and Dave are so warm and welcoming and have taught me so much, even beyond the animal care. Being at Tiny Steps is so peaceful and tranquil, and I’ve met some amazing people. My children come with me at weekends and holidays, volunteering there has given us all so much confidence!”

“I’ve always enjoyed being outdoors and with animals. Whilst on my gap year, Tiny Steps has given me the opportunity to participate in nurturing the animals as well as my own growth. Tracey and Dave are so selfless and kind, they will always be there with a cup of tea and biscuit for you after a hard day’s work!”

“I previously worked in care, however after a blood clot in my brain I was in rehab for almost a month. This has affected both my speech and sight; however, I absolutely love animals and own my own horse so Tiny Steps has been a haven for me. The animals don’t judge me at all, and all the volunteers have really boosted my confidence since being there! “

“I joined Tiny Steps in order to gain some more experience during my Gap Year before heading off to University. Volunteering has taught me a multitude of new skills and given me the opportunity to meet some incredible people who have so many experiences and skills to share! Tracey and Dave have been nothing but inspiring, this has been an experience that will stay with me forever and have a profound impact on my future career”

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